Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Parallels - life, mountains and hiking?

The Peak District in the UK - "God's garden and playground"

Through the recent trip to the Peaks, God spoke in a variety of ways. It was as much a taxing holiday as a learning experience:
  1. Adverse conditions. On the long way to the hostel (and trudging with the burden of my luggage, ahem smart packing), it was raining. It was one of those fine and even drizzles that gets you totally soaked even though it does not seem to do so initially, as water slowly seeps through every crevice, hair and skin. I was of course complaining. The Lord reminded me that even in the rain, we can STILL FIND scenery to appreciate.
  2. Looking up and finding beauty. In walking and navigating obstacles (e.g. uneven ground, manure, steep climbs, mud bogs, etc), remember to look up (and beyond) to appreciate the beauty around, otherwise we are prone to miss it.
  3. The need for certainty. The modern man tries so hard to "keep focusing on maps" to reduce the uncertainty in the journey. Too much map-reading takes out the sense of exploration.
  4. Suffering and meaning. I realize that when we are ascending to higher ground, there needs to be rocks and rough ground in order for us to effectively climb, otherwise it becomes too slippery.
  5. Doesn't get easier the higher you go. The more one ascends the hills, the more you are exposed to the elements e.g. strong winds, midst and cold.
  6. Keeping on the route. Keep faith until you see clearly the designated signposts (which you are supposed to see based on your map). Do not deviate - follow the path you are heading towards. Continue what you are currently doing until you see the next sign.
  7. Fellow sojourners
    . Do not assume that other travelers are heading towards the same destination as you are. Following indiscriminately can lead you astray.
  8. Navigating effectively. As obvious as this may seem, to use a compass, one needs to be accurate about WHERE YOU ARE and WHERE YOU ARE HEADING TOWARDS. Isn't that so much like life?
  9. Phases in our journey
    . We need to learn to recognize which phase of activity we are at. Are we ascending? Descending? Or just plateauing along? Each phase is unique and requires of us a certain response e.g. on steep descends, our priority is to gain a firm footing so we do not fall and tumble head down. Our footwork needs to be very defensive and mindful of sliding.
  10. Self-pity. I met a guy named Steven who was born physically handicapped on this hiking holiday. I admired him as he didn't seem to feel any self-pity for his condition and tried to make the best out of what he had. No question of why he was 'inferior' compared to others, or complaints of why life is unfair. He seemed to accept his limitations and lived life the best way he knew how. Not a hint of passive resignation. Good on him.

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I like the metaphor about looking up from the obstacles in your path to appreciate the beauty around you. It puts words to a sentiment I've been trying to describe for a while now. There's a lot of people, I think, who aren't even aware that there's anything more than the petty obstacles of life.

Yea, I think the taking our heads out of the everyday grind requires a very conscious effort on our part. Appreciating the beauty around and getting to place where we can say, everything will be alright with God by our side (without kidding ourselves), is only by God's grace and by His supernatural presence.


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