Friday, March 10, 2006

50th Milestone Blog: Mentoring and Encouragement

As iron sharpens iron...Today's blog is a milestone post because it is my 50th blog since I started a year back. And so it seems fitting that 'coincidentally', I have been reflecting on mentoring relationships over the past week, a topic which is dear to my heart.

The reason: Something I have been praying for since I came to London two years ago has begun to happen. God has opened a door and placed in my path someone to be a mentor. I remember writing about this a year back.

In reflecting back further, I am been thankful for the buddies and mentors that have stood by and helped me grow as a person at various stages of my life. Although I did not think of them as mentoring relationships, in essence it was, and I can categorically say that the person I am today would be in no way be as grounded as I believe I would be if I was without them. In the journey of traveling with them, I have been a recipient of acceptance and encouragement.

You know, some people have the special gift of their presence and words, prompted by a heart of love, speaking into our deepest fears; listening but not judging, asking the tough questions but not condemning, and seeking you out when you are full of shame and hiding -- that is what encouragement is, and for me that is how life-changing growth happens. Ever wonder how that works? Some thoughts and my recent experience follows...

It would be true to think that if you're mentored by someone, you grow. But I find that when I am in a privilege position of mentoring someone else, I grow as well. It's a dynamic that cannot be separated. When Jesus called the first few fishermen to come alongside him, he called them into a discipling relationship - that was a life-changing milestone which began an incredible journey that surpassed their wildest imaginations, ambitions and dreams for their lives.

Every person can probably recall moments or incidences where shared journeys with certain rare individuals resulted in fundamental trajectory changes in how one lives - providing a window into understanding who you are, affirming your value as a child of God, or modeling for you the right way to relate to others.

The person whom I am commencing a mentoring relationship with asked me to write down a statement of what I want out of the relationship so that he can stand alongside me. These were the points I wrote for him:
  • Accountability towards godliness and Christ-centered kingdom living. More often than not, I have more going inside than I show outside, so please prod and ask. I am not the most open person in the world but I will try my best.
  • Ministry with students and for China, and learning Mandarin. This is something that God has put on my heart. I get discouraged sometimes and wonder if it will be fulfilled. I will need encouragement and prayer to go further with this.
  • Relationships. Advice and counsel for developing God-centered relationships - General ones and the specific one on my heart.
In many ways, this is a milestone post, but God bringing alongside me a mentor is also a milestone event. In this day and age when the fibers of community are being ripped apart, we need more relationships like these - receiving the blessing from the care of mentors, but also in giving the hand of mentorship to those who yearn for one.

I now understand more why God's word states, "As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend", because when done in the right manner, both sides of the iron in contact will be sharpened. We have to ask ourselves: Have we found our iron yet, one of a similar or stronger mettle than sharpens and leaves us with a cutting edge?

Three cords are not easily broken

People say that we are all products of our relationships with others. Nowhere is it more true in this case. Personally, I have some way to go yet to grow as a person, but I pray that we will never settle for anything less than what God has for us - and that means learning to grow together, even though everything within us wants to stay apart. From where I stand presently, I still have a lot to learn.
    "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." (Eccl 4:9-12)
[Related post: Good friendships]

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I am doing a mentoring study with soemone presently myself. the idea is taht we can then go on and do that with soemone esle, "making disciples" beyong simply believers.

Congratulations on your 50th post.

BTW, where were you before you moved to London?


I was in Bristol before I moved to London. And as in any move to a new place, I struggled with establishing deeper relationships beyond just the many acquaintances.

Over the last 10 years, the Lord has always brought younger persons whom I can be a mentor to, which I consider a tremendous privilege and blessing. However, unlike what you do with the mentoring study, it is less formal and for a different purpose.

With recent events, God has brought a brother-in-Christ, older in both age and spiritual maturity, and even with a busy family life and an established professional career -- yet still has the desire to make a bigger impact for the Kingdom.

I have been walking with the Lord coming to 15 years now and I am finding that to take it to the next level, these sort of relationships are required.


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