Saturday, May 28, 2005

How far have I drifted?

Been sensing a theme in what the Lord is saying this week and it's related to complacency and compromise. Have you ever felt that period of spiritual dryness where you are trying so hard to 'be spiritual' but yet not succeeding in getting a breakthrough? Times where reading God's word seems more academic when I yearn for it to sink deeper. Times when you seem to be seeking yet not finding. Times when you feel like you are seeing the Lord in 'black and white' (rather than in 'vivid colour'), or worst still, not even seeing the Lord at all in your search for Him.

That's where I am right now. God has been putting a finger on this theme through several verses: about the seriousness of sin that will cause our walk to compromise, taking lightly the things of God, and lukewarmness (Mark 9:42-49, 1 Sam 2:17, Rev 3:15-20).

Even as I let these verses sink in, the sad thing comes not in the question of whether I have compromised, but how much? Why does it seem to become harder and harder the longer we are in the Lord? The once 'basic' things become much more challenging. I am not going to play down the fact that I am not happy with where I am right now with the Lord. I desire to go further and higher. But there's inertia that needs to be battled against.

I have come to the conclusion that the need to 'feel spiritual' is a bonus if it is there. The more important question is am I living in obedience to the Lord, not holding any "unconfessed backlogs" and continuing to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. More often than not, it is how we tackle the mundane issues of life that is a true reflection on Christ's work in us, rather than chasing after spectacular signs or for that matter emotional highs.

Let's face it - working out our salvation is darn difficult! After the initial honeymoon years, putting God's word in practice is a challenge -- esp. when everything around and inside you leads you to go elsewhere. Basic principle: If we read God's word but are not serious doers, then it loses a little more power to change our lives. Complacency and compromise have a larger backdoor. I realise that there are two aspects of this: Complacency causes compromise. Compromise causes complacency.

I started out saying that I do not like this drifting feeling, which I believe is also due to being in London way too long without a sense of setting my anchors here (spiritually, that is). I was just writing an email to a friend about my new church cell group and sharing with him how there are potential people in the group whom I can see myself developing mentoring relationships with, godly men whom I can be accountable to. For some time now (off and on), I have been praying for spiritual mentors - we'll see where the Lord takes this.

Anyway, other thoughts welcomed.

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I can surely relate to what you're writing of - and 'spiritual dryness' is an accurate way of describing that feeling.
You write, "Why does it become harder and harder the longer we are in the Lord?" I believe that, as we strive against ourselves to deny our flesh, the battle gets more difficult - it's like the 'old man' gets more desperate the more the 'new man' gains control. In my life, that is the "inertia that needs to be battled against." Some of these things, I believe, are what James was speaking of when he wrote of taking joy in our trials.
God has a way of breaking us down - forcing us to choose Him, rather than our own ways - so that we become totally dependant on Him alone, denying ourselves and taking up our cross to follow Him.
Your words on complacency and compromise are quite true, in my opinion, and if we are not serious "doers of the Word," then there really is nothing happening to change our lives - at least not in a Godly way.
Also, like you, I seek a mentoring relationship with a trusted brother. One to whom I can be accountable, as well as one with whom I can share encouragement and fellowship. I pray that we both are blessed with these things.
I appreciate your comments on my blog, and I thank you for your visit. With your blessing, I would like to add a link to your blog from mine, as I feel my visitors would appreciate your perspectives. May God continue to bless you and yours.

Peace, love and brotherhood...


"Whoever in prayer can say, "Our Father," acknowledges and should feel the brotherhood of the whole race of mankind."
- Tyrone Edwards


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