Thursday, June 09, 2005

Fire or dire?

I don't know if you have encountered Christians who are 'very zealous' for the Lord and what you think of them. They are naturally chatty, enthusiastic and can seamlessly bridge topics towards discussing about salvation and Jesus Christ, at times seemingly bordering on "being pushy". Well, I met such a lady today. She paid a visit to my grandma who is ill, offering to worship and pray with her. How did I feel about this whole thing? Well, if I am honest, I felt ambivalent (to my shame)... and here's why.

She brought along with her 'worship flags' (have you seen those?), asked me to wave one, encouraged all of us to lift our voices, and boldly proclaimed that "we are not merely singing, but we are singing unto the Lord". Initially, I felt uneasy because it all seemed so abrupt. I gathered that my Dad felt the same way, from the unusual number of seat shifting movements (he's not a believer yet). After the short session of acapella worship, she pray earnestly with my granma for peace, healing and joy, all of which ministered to gran. She then even proceeded to pose salvation-related questions to Dad and shared the gospel with him (which made him really shift in his seat!) God is indeed good.

Pondering on the whole affair, I admire her for not being afraid to share the gospel. I admire her for not being apologetic that she is a zealous born-again believer. I admire her stepping out and being an encouragement to others. She had the raw, cutting-edge enthusiasm that I could easily imagine the early disciples possessing.

It leaves me with a stirring question: Is it because my fire has dwindled that I feel at times uncomfortable with direct ministry like this? I know that it is easy to offer up trite statements or prayers in a post like this. Perhaps I have been too caught up with the kind of middle-class christianity that lacks zeal and is too complacent in our pews of comfort. The brand of christianity that too easily justifies that "I'm not that kind of person that can do that kind of thing...".

The real question for me (and perhaps yourselves) is not whether we should be like her. The real issue is: Where do I find the kind of GO that Jesus Christ meant when He commanded "Go and make disciples of all nations"? What type of fruit am I bearing? Which part of my walk with the Lord exhibits the kind of power, ferociousness and radical edge that makes a difference in God's kingdom in His Holy Spirit? I sense that I need to do something and go forth. We will see what the next few months bring.

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do you remenber being like that when u first got saved??
it might because u lost your first love..
well dunno abt but ,in my case it is because i lost my first love..and I defintly ant s that fir e back..obviously u still need to be wise while witnessing ,though...but fire is fire and I so want it...


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